Currently, horsemen are allowed to bring some possessions into the stable area, but not until contacting Stall Man Kiley Thompson and not without an approved stall application.
The stable area will open to horses with allotted stalls. Fonner Park will charge $6 per-stalled horse until December 15, 2023.
After December 15 there is no longer a $6 charge for stall rent for the remainder of the Fonner Park racing season.
The training track is scheduled to be open on December 15.
The main track is scheduled to be open on December 15. However, the main track is currently open for training.
Beginning December 4, the Fonner Jogger will be operational based on demand. The fare remains $7 per-horse, regardless if the horse goes less than two complete circuits. Purchase tickets from the Admin Office or the Racing Office during standard office hours.
The starting gate will become operational for training and schooling beginning January 15, 2024. Outriders (for the main track) and ambulance will be provided beginning January 15, 2024.
Outriders and Emergency Medical Technicians will be provided on the main track only (and paid for by the Nebraska HBPA) from May 5 – May 18, 2024.
All horses and horsemen must vacate no later than May 18, 2024.
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