Bet The New Omni Bet
Select at least two horses to finish in the top three placings .
At least two horses must be selected. The minimum Omni wager amount is $2.
A two-horse Omni bet has three possible winning combinations:
1 st & 2 nd or 1 st & 3 rd or 2 nd & 3 rd .
If three selected horses finish in the top three, the payoff is the combined total of all three winning Omni combination payoffs.
The wager will be offered daily on the 7 th race.
Example bet : Omni: 2 & 7. If the race result is: 7-4-2, this bet yields a payoff on the 1 st & 3 rd placing only. Because numbers in an Omni bet are automatically boxed , the $2 bet of 2 & 7 covers all placings if both horses finish in the top three.
Example bet : Omni: 2, 4, 7 & 9. With a result of: 7-4-2, the bet pays all three possible winning combinations because three of the wagered horses finished in the top three placings.
$2 Omni Bet Cost : two horses = $2, three-horses = $6, four horses = $12,
five horses = $20, six horses = $30.
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